Avoid Flu Pigs With iPhone

Swine flu outbreaks more worrying because it continues to spread in different corners of the earth. Conference situation is a software company called IntuApps flow in the mobile phone application that allows iPhone to track the distribution of flu that Mexican origin.

When this application called Swine Flu Tracker is finished running. However, the process still needs approval from Apple before it can be displayed in the shop online App Store.

Features available in quite complete, including a map showing the existence of cases of swine flu, the threat level and also the latest symptoms of people exposed to diseases that kill. No lag, the latest news about the flu pigs will also appear.

This application is planned to be downloaded for free by the iPhone owners to avoid them from outbreaks of swine flu. Possibility, Swine Flu Tracker is available in the App Store in the near future.
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4 komentar:

  1. Wah bisa aja si Apple.... selalu aja pinter baca peluang bisnis kekekee...
    Kasian ya para babi, udah gendut... eh digosipin terus kekekeee...

  2. iya nih dasar sih apple pinter bgt technologynya,..

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh administrator blog.

  4. wah kemana nih, blm apdet :)


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